Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Rude!

Throughout my pregnancy, people have said some annoying and sometimes inappropriate things to me.  Most of the time, I brush them off.  There are a few phrases that I cannot stand though.  I know that I am easily annoyed while pregnant, but I'm not sure if I can blame my hormones for wanting to punch people in the face when they say these things.  But please make a note to never say these to me in my next pregnancy.

1. "You have to do what is best for the baby."  I know I talked about this in a previous post, but I've heard this at least a hundred times this pregnancy and I hate it.  It usually was in regards to Baby Reiter's breech position and what we were going to do about it.  People didn't understand why we would consider anything other than a csection because "I should do what is best for the baby."  Don't assume that you know what is best for our baby just because that is the way it is done in the US....thank you very much.

But regardless of what the doctors, Internet, books, or others say, why would you even use this phrase.  Do you think I'm going to carry a baby for 9 months and then make a decision that I don't think is best for the baby? 

2. "I really hope you have a boy" or "I really hope you have a girl."  Just so you know, we don't give a shit what you want us to have.  We didn't ask you and believe us, we wouldn't ask you.  The whole phrase is rude.   The fact that this is our first child and we are having the gender be a surprise makes the phrase ten times worse.

3. "I know the baby is a girl" or "I know the baby is a boy."  Umm...I'm pretty sure you don't know what I am carrying.  I don't care how I am carrying, what symptoms I have, or what the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar says, whatever you say is a guess.  We don't care when people say what they think I'm having.  Having people guess is half the fun in not finding out the gender.  When they change the word from "think" to "know" is when I have a problem. 

Looking back, maybe I should have done this post a long time ago.  But now people have it for future reference for not only me, but other pregnant women they come across.

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