As I sit here chugging a 2 liter bottle of water, I can (almost) confidently say that there will be a 38 week pregnancy picture. When the bell chimes midnight, which is in about 6 hours, I will be two weeks away from my due date. At that time, I will also be four days away from finding out whether or not they are going to make me have a scheduled c-section. And all signs were pointing to "yes" at my last appointment.
Overall, I am feeling great. The past few days even Kevin has commented on how much energy I have. I haven't napped, I've been out and about walking, and besides the unavoidable aches and pains, my body is hanging in there. I'm hoping this is the calm before the storm and I go into labor here in the next couple days. That might be wishful thinking, but stranger things have happened.
Like most women do
near the end of their pregnancy through their entire pregnancy, I'm thinking of things I can't wait to do, foods I can't wait to eat, and drinks I want to chug once I'm no longer pregnant. Do I want a glass of Italian red wine or a nice German beer first? What kind of lunchmeat am I going to order at the deli...and eat cold? How many over easy eggs can I request they put on my pizza (don't knock it until you try it)?
 | is so good! |
The one thing I am looking most forward to is sleeping on my belly. I know with a c-section, this one is going to take time, but I can't wait. I am so sick of sleeping on my side and I've never been much of a back sleeper so I could care less about being able to do that again.
For now, I'll continue to dream, but I know these things are within reach.
...oh, honey, i hope you get the birth experience that you desire! :) bless your heart. hang in there, girl-you're nearing the end..and what a glorious day that will be! speaking from 3 c section experience, i thought i'd mention to you that i slept on my belly starting at about 5 days after my c-section...HEAVENLY! :) hugs!..