Thursday, January 30, 2014

Bathing Suits and Dessert...Not a Good Combo

The countdown is on! We have less than four months until sun, sand, alcoholic beverages...and bathing suits.  The first three I can handle; the last one, I'm not too confident about. 

In preparation for our trip, Kevin and I have made it a priority to start getting fit.  The food part is easy because we really don't eat unhealthy.  We don't eat out, we use mostly organic ingredients, we don't eat prepackaged foods, and we eat a very balanced diet.  The only problem we have is that we LOVE dessert. 

I was never a sweets person until we lived in Europe.  In England, we always had our "pudding" (shout out to the Delany's who usually supplied us with this) and it was usually ice cream or a crumble.  And nine times out of ten it was covered in custard.  In Italy, we usually had dessert twice a day...once in the afternoon with our tea and coffee and then again after dinner.  Unfortunately, we brought this bad habit back to the States with us.

Now after dinner, I immediately look for something sweet...chocolate, ice cream, cookies.  This is something I know I can't do if I want to be in a bikini in May.  So since the first of the year, I haven't bought any sweets.  But I still find myself looking for some after dinner like they are magically going to appear out of nowhere.  At the grocery store, I always look at the sweets, but I don't buy.  I know if I get them, there will be no turning back.

For now and for the next four months, I will just dream of cakes, gelato, pie, and cookies.  And look at pictures...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Trip For Two

When I found out my best friend was getting married in Cancun, I was so excited.  I knew, without a doubt, that we would be going.  Then the realization that I was going to have to leave my girl set in and I started freaking out.  Kevin travels away from home a lot so he is used to being away from her. I, on the other hand, have never been away from her for longer than 12 hours...and that was only once. And when I do step out for a few hours, I check in to make sure she is okay because I obviously feel like she can't live without me. It would be safe to say that Alessia and I have some attachment issues. 

Well, we booked our trip to Cancun this week...6 days/5 nights without our girl.  I know this will be ten times harder on me than it will be on her.  Luckily for us, my amazing parents are coming to stay with Alessia at our place while we are away.  And I know that they will follow my crazy rules.  I don't jive with the whole "eat what you want and do what you want with the grandparents." Plus, Paula P will probably clean my house better than I ever do and my dad will take Alessia on more walks than she can count.

For now, I will mentally prepare myself for the separation. And look forward to a trip for two.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mommy's Night Out

Back in college, my Friday nights were spent trying on numerous outfits until I found the perfect one, finding someone to put eyeliner on me (since I still can't do it correctly), pre-gaming, and then hitting the party scene at 10-11pm.  My hockey Friday's were spent trying on numerous outfits until I found the one that was both warm and stylish, sharing pitchers of Coors Light with my ladies, and devouring Applebee's appetizers at 11pm. My how the times have changed.

This Friday, I ventured Target.  And to top it off, I even put on jeans.  Because, let's be honest, I spend 99% of my time now in either sweatpants or yoga pants. I walked down the aisles, actually looking at things that weren't on my list. I didn't have to worry about whether or not my child was about to have a mental breakdown or not. And the best part...I didn't have to shop with an extra 17 pounds hanging onto me (because my child gets tired of sitting in a cart quickly).

But that was all the excitement I could handle for one night. After an hour and a half of filling my cart with items I really didn't need, I went home so I could put Alessia to bed and make dinner (which I burnt). Note to self: setting a timer only works if you actually check the item after the timer goes off.

With all that said, I could definitely use a night out on the town. The last time I had more than one serving of alcohol in a night was in June 2012...sad, I know.  But, for now, I will pass because feeling like hell while having to care for another living person isn't something I want to do. Instead, I will savor my late night solo trips to Target.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I'm Back!

I've been going back and forth recently as to whether or not to keep the blog going.  When I started, it was a way for me to keep all our family and friends posted on our happenings.  I used it to document our travels and life in the hockey world.  Since getting pregnant and with the birth of Alessia, it has turned into a log of motherhood.  While I love my life, I can only write so much about making baby food, chasing around a crawling fool, and sleep deprivation.

But with all of that said, I really want to get back to the number one reason why I blog.  It is an outlet for was in Italy and should still be now.  I want to keep it up and I don't want it to be stale and boring. Maybe we won't be packing up and moving as often as we used to, but that isn't to say we aren't packing. In fact, Kevin is more of a suitcase now than he ever was. And while we aren't living the hockey life that we used to, I'm still the same hockey wife that I've always been.

So, the blog is back up...and it will be running. 2014 is going to be an AMAZING year and we have so much to look forward to...Alessia's first birthday, a trip to Cancun for my best friend's wedding, a family trip to Las Vegas to catch up with friends, and lots of home improvement. Stay tuned.