Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Is What You Make It

Last year for Easter, Kevin had an away game so a few of us girls made plans to go to church and then have a little get together that night for some food and drinks. This year, I really didn't think about making plans or anything. I figured we'd go about our day the same as we usually do. Then Saturday night at about 10:00pm, Debbie and I decided we would just wing a Easter dinner. Luckily, Kevin and I had just gone shopping in Innsbruck and had a pretty full house.

By chance, we had a ham in our fridge. They were on offer this week and since Kevin never remembers which one he likes the best and can't make a decision, I told him just to buy one of he got three. We had also just picked up two LARGE tubs of German potato salad while we were in Innsbruck. We can only find the brand we like at this organic/bio store so we always stock up when we are there. I was also able to toss together a salad with the veggies I had on hand and we had a package of dinner rolls at the house. For dessert, I looked through my Pinterest recipes and considered what I had here and decided to make Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Cookies...and I might add that they were delicious and fat free. Okay, the fat free part is a lie, but that is what I'm going to tell myself as I devour the leftover cookies today.

Our last minute, thrown together Easter dinner was perfect. It was definitely nothing fancy or elaborate, but it was a great time with great friends. The way I see it, we could have been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and it still would have been an amazing time because Easter is what you make it.

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