Now that the time has come for my pregnancy to be over, I'm starting to feel like it just began. I remember when I first found out and how surreal it all felt. Now, I know there will be a baby in this house in less than three weeks. I couldn't wait for people to start noticing my belly and now there is no way to avoid it (and my massive belly button).
We met with the doctor this past week for my 37 week appointment and the baby is still breech. While it took time, I came to terms with the fact that the baby will be delivered c-section.
NOTE: Please don't tell me that people do it all the time...I know that. And if you tell me it is for the best, I will be inclined to quit talking to you. That is one phrase that I never want to hear again after this pregnancy. Imagine prepping for a new job for 9 read all the manuals, watch the videos, and train your body. Then you get in there the first day and they tell you that you won't be doing the job you prepared for. Yes, you still get the same outcome (a new job and a salary), but you can't help but be disappointed. That is how I feel. Regardless, Kevin and I will be having a baby, but it just isn't the way that we pictured it.
There is a small chance that the baby can turn, but I am running out of room. Also, factor in that I have a bicornuate uterus and the chances go down. The baby has started to drop so instead of the head engaging (like in most cases), the feet are resting in my pelvis. The great news is that the head is no longer right up against my ribcage, which is such a relief. My heartburn has greatly decreased and I can breathe so much easier.
Unfortunately, I am still gaining weight. And now it is water weight. My ankles are cankles, my fingers and toes are little sausages, and I have even noticed my face is puffier. I'm following everything they say to do to avoid edema, but it isn't working. Just another glamorous symptom of pregnancy.
Everything in the apartment is ready. We have the diapers stocked (we should be good for 3-4 weeks) and we have wipes (or cotton squares since we aren't using wipes). The clothes are washed and the crib (pack and play) is set up. I did some serious cleaning the other day and Kevin did all the laundry. We'll still have to do some things here and there, but if the baby comes tomorrow, we are prepared.
We both got our hair cut and I managed to shave my legs this week (let me tell you, it isn't easy). Kevin does need to paint my toenails because that is one task that I cannot do without pulling something and he is a good sport to help me out. We've almost decided on names. We have it narrowed down to two for a girl and two for a boy. I think it might come down to deciding once the baby is born.
Since Operation Turn Baby Reiter was a bust, I have now moved on to Operation Get Baby Reiter Out. I'm hoping to go into labor naturally and avoid a scheduled c-section. I'm bouncing around on my birthing ball, eating fresh pineapple, taking my vitamins, and drinking my teas to help move things along. Fingers crossed Baby Reiter makes an appearance before my next appointment on March 4.
Here are the last three weeks of my pregnancy pictures. These could be the last ones.
Just got back from my hair appointment so Baby Reiter isn't embarrassed of his/her Mommy. |
Next year, Daddy will have two Valentines. |
FULL TERM! We are so close! |