Well, the other day Kevin worked out with me and it was a cross-training and leg day. Kevin gave me some new leg exercises using free weights so I thought I'd try them out in addition to using the weight machines. Bad call! I am in pain, I can barely walk, and it hurts to sleep. Kevin's advice to me is to take an ice bath, but I refuse. I don't care how good it feels or how much faster I'll heal, I cannot bring myself to sit in a freezing cold bath full or ice (or in our case, snow).
I took yesterday off so I don't want to take today off too, but I think I'm going to have to. Hopefully I'll at least be able to walk on the treadmill tomorrow. And next time I decide to do legs, I'm going to cut the workout in half because walking around looking like an 80-year-old is not a good look for me.
Take 3 Aleve or Advil, if they have them there, 2 to 3 times a day and treat the painfuls areas with cold packs. Try stretching if you can. Love Dr. Ruth.